AVCA First Serve Group Ticket Bundle Code Request
Please use this form to request a code for your group ticket orders for the AVCA First Serve Showcase on Aug. 27 Interested parties can get a group code, which they can share with members of their team, club, or organization to be used when purchasing tickets for the matches. Organizations whose members purchase over 20 tickets using the code will receive a donation of 15 percent of the costs from the AVCA after the event. If members want to sit together, they should have one person buy all the tickets (up to 50 are allowed in one transaction). Individuals in the group also have the option of choosing their own seats, and their purchase will still go toward the donation to the organization if they use the code. Tickets can be purchased through Ticketmaster (https://www.ticketmaster.com/avca-first-serve-showcase-louisville-kentucky-08-27-2024/event/160060BEC8195A5A).