Making your Middle Blocker More Dynamic

Challenge is inevitable when we are stretching to find out what we are made of. It’s what makes life and sports difficult and is also what makes them worth it. The joy and the beauty in pursuing our best, lies in the moments we learn to embrace and adjust to anything that comes our way. The times we get fully absorbed in the present moment, grin in the face of challenge, and show up as our truest self, are the times we have most to receive and the most to offer. So much of our performance, and experience, on the court is dictated by our thought patterns and how we perceive what is happening around us. Our brains are amazing in so many ways AND can also be highly inconvenient; often times the moments we care about most, whether we’re on the court, in school, at work, or in a tough conversation with a loved one, are also the moments that feel most challenging to bring our best. In this session we will talk through how to train mental skills with your athletes, so they can learn to show up fully in the moments they care about most. By conditioning our mind in the same way we train our body in the weight room and our skills on the court, we can learn to access our best in any moment, no matter what challenges and adversity are present. These mental skills are great for competition, but more importantly will go far beyond these athlete's careers.

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