Mental Strength: The Invisible Advantage

The role of mindset in sports is well-documented and constantly referenced - especially in the biggest moments. So why isn't it coached with a similar consistency of physical strength and conditioning, or positional technical skills? Or worse, why is it sometimes not coached at all? The answer(s):

  • Limited access to expertise - "I can't afford to hire someone"
  • Lack of visible / objective results - "I can't tell if it's working"
  • No structure or schedule - "I don't know what to do, so I just won't do it"
  • No flexibility to train individuals - "Each athlete needs to work on something different; I can't handle it all"

This session is an opportunity to hear from distinguished coaches and mindset experts. The panel will discuss their approach to this critical aspect of athletic performance and how they have managed these barriers, when they've seen the invisible advantage of mindset in action, ways to implement mental training, and how coaches can play a role in developing the habits that lead to mental strength.

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