Phenom Program Walk-up Registration
Please complete the form below in order to register for the AVCA Phenom Showcase. We partner with University Athlete to ensure that all player data is readily accessible for coaches onsite. The Phenom Showcase Packet is available on UA free of charge.
Schedule, Shirt Color, and Bib # Info
The wave schedule is as follows:
Wave 1- 12:30 - 2:15 PM
Wave 2- 2:15 - 4:00 PM
Wave 3- 4:00 - 5:45 PM
We have 505 athletes registered to attend. The grad year breakdown is as follows:
2025: 37 athletes
2026: 221 athletes
2027: 198 athletes
2028: 49 athletes
As a reminder, we are partnering with University Athlete to provide athlete recruiting support onsite. All athlete contact information, wave assignments, physical metrics data, TAP Behavioral Assessment results, etc. will be available on the University Athlete platform. The UA Showcase packet will be available at no cost to attendees.
The Phenom shirt colors and bib numbers indicate their position and grad year.
Shirt Colors:
2025 Grad Year: Black
2026 Grad Year: Red
2027 Grad Year: Blue
2028 Grad Year: Tan
Position Info:
Setters: Bib # begins with a 1 (1000's)
Outsides: Bib # begins with a 2 (2000's)
Middles: Bib # begins with a 3 (3000's)
Right Sides: Bib # begins with a 4 (4000's)
Liberos: Bib # begins with a 5 (5000's)
For example, if you’re looking at player 1015, the bib number indicates that they are a Setter. If you’re looking at player 3105, they are a Middle. If you are looking at a player with a red shirt and bib number 1015, they are a Setter who graduates in 2026.