Candace Moats was elected to the AVCA Board of Directors in the fall of 2020 and began serving as NAIA Women’s Representative on January 1, 2021. She is currently in her second term. This board seat is charged with leading the NAIA Head Coaches Committee and serving all NAIA women’s volleyball member coaches. Candace’s goals for her term include:
Create increased opportunities and exposure of NAIA volleyball coaches within the AVCA and at the AVCA Convention
Continue to help student-athletes become aware of the officiating shortage and how they can be apart of the solution
Continue to support the growth of NAIA men’s volleyball and NAIA beach volleyball and to give a voice to those coaches within those spaces
Support ways to grow the game of volleyball through media exposure, increased technology within the match, and continued evaluation/assessment of policies followed by the NAIA
Support and grow young coaches to be successful at their Colleges/Universities and within their teams
If there are other issues you think the AVCA should be focusing on at the NAIA women’s volleyball level, please contact Candace or AVCA NAIA staff liaison Tara McGuire.