Jen Flynn Oldenburg was elected to the AVCA Board of Directors in the fall of 2024. Effective January 1, 2025, Jen will serve as AVCA President-Elect thru December 31, 2025. This board seat is charged with working alongside the Board President and serve as proxy in the absence of the president:
The Division I Women’s Volleyball Championship becoming the first commercially viable women’s sport
The Division I-II Men’s Volleyball bracket expanding to 12 teams, based on the continued increase in the number of participating schools
Developing sustainable professional volleyball leagues in the United States
Helping individual participation at the high school level reach 500,000 for girls and 100,000 for boys
Collegiate Women’s Beach Volleyball growing to 300 teams and 4,500 participants
Collegiate Men’s Beach Volleyball becoming an official NCAA Championship sport
If there are other issues you think the AVCA should be focusing on, please contact Jen or AVCA CEO, Jaime Gordon.