Kirsten Bernthal Booth was elected to the AVCA Board of Directors as President-Elect in the fall of 2022 and will serve as Board President in 2024 & 2025. This board seat is charged with leading the Board of Directors set the vision for the AVCA and serving all member coaches. Some areas of focus for her tenure will be:
Working to curb tampering in recruiting, in addition to push for NIL clarification of rules and enforcement
Focused on continued growth in club/HS volleyball for both boys and girls. Advocating to find adjustments in the length of the club season for health and safety (both physical and mental) for our youth.
Making our sport more accessible to youth from lower socio-economic backgrounds.
Continued growth of boys/men’s volleyball throughout the country.
Expansion of television/streaming for volleyball—this could include pushing to experiment with rule enhancements or changes to make the game more TV friendly.
If there are other issues you think the AVCA should be focusing on, please contact Kirsten or AVCA CEO, Jaime Gordon.